Saturday, June 03, 2006

Here come the ducks!

UPDATE: It's been raining for a couple of days and the temperature has really dropped. It's friggin' cold! So the erstwhile housemate moved the Muscovy babies inside with the baby Runners. You should have seen those little guys dive into the food. LOL.

Here are the four Indian Runner babies. When these guys grow up they are the silliest looking things - almost like cartoon ducks. The white ones look the most like cartoons. I found a site once where Indian Runners were described as "bowling pins on legs." The white ones really look like that. *grin* These runners will probably be a little less upright.

Here are the Muscovies. Well eight of the babies came out in the rain with momma. A ninth was in the nice dry house.


Anonymous said...

Bowling pins on legs - now there's a visual I never would have come up with. They are cute but I'll let you take care of them and show me pictures. *grin*

Unknown said...

Actually Queen J takes care of the birds. I just eat the proceeds. *grin*

Anonymous said...

LOL - Queen J... I think I want one of my own to do those little things around the house that I'm too lazy to do. *grin*

Unknown said...

If I actually get to go to grad school, I'm so going to miss the Queen. *grin*

Anonymous said...

So cute!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I love looking at ducks on ponds... but I really don't like the smell nor the poop they produce at close range. Those are really cute ducklings... wish I lived closer so the boys could see them.

Anonymous said...

I read your update and had this vision of you lining them up for bowling... a la "duck pins"

(we used to go duck pin bowling when I was a kid *grin*)

Unknown said...

VW - part of the deal with the erstwhile housemate was that the chicken coop couldn't look like a chicken coop and everything had to be kept clean (no smelly). The poop gets raked up, dried out, and used to fertilize the flower gardens.

I'll try to remember to post pictures as the ducklings grow up. That's the best I can do for your boys. *grin*

Unknown said...

Teresa - how did you know what the Queen's latest favorite game is??? LOL